Urinary tract infections in small animals: therapeutic options and management of problem cases

Treating problem UTIs in cats and dogs

source: Mark Dunning and Jo Stonehewer 
In Practice vol 24 no 9, October 2002
starts p 518, 7 pages long

The main way of treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats and dogs is to use conventional antimicrobials, especially injections followed by oral treatments. The article provides a detailed discussion of selection of antibiotics and recommended amounts. Cephalexin or amoxycillin may be useful, but culture and sensitivity is indicated, and this should always be the case where infection recurs. The therapy should always be completed, even if the cat or dog appears to have recovered.

Underlying causes have to be investigated if the infection recurs or does not respond to antimicrobials. Low dose antibacterials may help if an underlying cause cannot be found. Infections may recur for a number of reasons, such as drug resistance, too low a dosage, factors that affect how the cat or dog absorbs the drug, or deep-seated infections. Novel therapies include oestrogen replacement therapy (which can help women), prophylactic Lactobacillus administration (effective in mice), and regular consumption of cranberry juice, which is effective in reducing infections in some humans, though there is only anecdotal evidence that it may be effective in veterinary species.