
English Foxhound, a Complete Guide: a Complete Handbook

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Foxhounds are not generally kept as pets in the UK, but many dog owners may consider them if hunts start getting rid of dogs in large numbers. Foxhounds raised in the home as pups can be very engaging companion dogs. Like most hounds, they do not excel in the obedience department, but they are usually gentle, so long as they are taught bite inhibition, and they usually get on well with other dogs.

Training should be ongoing, and short daily sessions are helpful, as is making house rules clear from the start. Well-trained Foxhounds can be good with children, though rough play should be discouraged so that it does not get out of hand. They can co-exist well with other dogs in the same household, since they are pack dogs. Fights can still happen, especially if too many are kept together in a relatively small space, and they don't have enough exercise. Rescuing several Foxhunds is not a good idea unless you have a lot of space, can give them enough exercise, and know a lot about hounds.

Foxhounds can be noisy, which is fine if you want a watchdog, but not so good if you have thin walls. They are also similar to beagles in having poor recall once they pick up a smell, and they are not always safe with cats. They are generally healthy, though as working Foxhounds tend to be culled when they can no longer hunt. less is known about diseases of middle and old age of Foxhounds than is known about breeds more commonly kept as pets.

This book is a short introduction to the breed, and is well illustrated. It is helpful if you take on a foxhound as a pup, but is not much help for anyone who plans to take on a rescue ex-hunt foxhound. Such hounds are really only for experienced owners with a lot of patience, and a novice armed only with this book is likely to run into difficulties.