Choosing a Dog
There are reviews of several good books on dogs in Books
on Animals.
Dogs can be wonderful companions, and can bring great pleasure to their
owners. They are also a long-term commitment. Some of the longer lived breeds
can live to be 16 or 17-years-old, so you need to be able to plan ahead if
you are thinking of getting a dog. You also need to think of the time and
energy involved, especially in training young dogs, as well as those daily
walks, to see how dogs would fit into your current lifestyle, and whether
you are able to adapt to dog ownership.
Preparing for dog ownership
Before thinking of which dog you want, try walking with people who have dogs,
and then taking dogs for a walk on your own, and even dog-sitting, so you
have a better idea of what dog ownership involves. Talk to people who have
puppies, if you plan on getting a pup. You may also find a training class
where you can go and watch as a spectator, and see what is involved in dog
training. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be if you get a
dog. And if you decide you dont want one, that decision is best made
before, rather than after you have brought a pup into your life. There are
plenty of dogs in need of someone to take them for a walk, so its easy
to have contact with dogs without actually having to be responsible for one
Youll need some support from family or friends if you live alone -
eg someone to walk the dog if you are ill. Talk to other dog owners - they
are often happy to help out, and you can care for their dog in return, when
they need help. Youll also need to plan ahead if you aim to have children,
so your dog is able to fit into the expanded family. Your dog also has to
fit into the type of accommodation you are likely to be living in over the
years - if you are going to move to a studio flat in a big city, then keeping
a dog may not be a good idea. Its possible to keep a dog if you dont
have a secure garden, but it involves more work. It means, for example, that
you may have to get dressed to go out in the middle of the night if your dog
needs a wee, whereas if you have a secure garden you can just open the back
door, and you neednt worry so much about what you wear when you accompany
the dog outside.

'Rug investigates a watering can', watercolour by David
See what happens next further down the page
Pup or dog?
Puppies are cute, and its fun just to watch them for hours. But can
you take time off to look after a pup for those demanding first few weeks?
Housetraining takes much longer if you arent at home to take the pup
out several times a day. Pups also like company. A young pup finds it a shock
to go from being with litter-mates and mum to being alone all day. Pups also
have key periods after which socialisation is more difficult, so you need
to have the time to get them used to different people and dogs, as well as
traffic, other animals, and various sounds and sights they need to get used
to. A very young pup, of six to nine weeks, needs an owner with enough time
to spend with their new pet.
Some breeders retain pups for a while, and do a good job of socialising them.
You may want a slightly older pup if you cant take much time off work,
but you have to ensure that the breeder really does have time to do the tasks
that you arent able to. Breeders with a lot of pups may not have much
time to give individual attention to each one. You need to ask questions about
how the pups are socialised, and how many pups the breeder has to care for,
and if there are a lot of pups, whether there are enough people working at
the kennels for the pups to have individual attention.
Pups tend to be taken home from breeders at an older age in the US than in
the UK, on the grounds that pups need to stay with their litter mates and
mother, in order to be socialised. The UK view, in contrast, tends to be that
owners should get pups young in order to socialise them! The key question,
then, is who will do the better job of socialising the pups, the breeder or
the owner? If you dont have enough time to socialise a young pup as
well as the breeder, then the pup is better off with the breeder. If the breeder
has too many pups to give them individual attention, while you do have the
time, then the pup is better off with you. Young pups can be socialised with
other pups and friendly older dogs, rather than with their litter mates. They
cant run around in public places and meet just any dog, but they can
meet friendly dogs you know to be healthy and vaccinated.
An alternative to a pup is an adult dog, though you will still need someone
at home at first, or be able to take time off work, to allow the dog to settle
in. Adult dogs are more predictable in some ways, since its not always
easy to tell how pups will turn out, especially if they are cross-breeds.
You may need to retrain an adult who has learnt bad habits though, and that
can be time-consuming.
Older, senior, dogs are often quiet and good-natured. They tend
to be overlooked when people choose a pet, because of fears that they may
cost a lot in vets bills, or not live long, and cause heartache when
they die. Yet its a great gift to an old dog whose owner has maybe died,
to offer a comfortable home for a few years, and this may be a good solution
for you if you arent sure about your life in ten years time, or
want a quiet dog who doesnt need long walks, and is content just to
be by your side in the evening.
Spacing out the ages of your dogs is a good idea, if you have more than one.
Its harder to train two pups at the same time than it is to cope with
one. Its not just that it takes double the amount of time, they will
tend to focus a lot on each other, and need a lot of separate walks, to encourage
them to focus more on you. Its also harder to cope with two dogs dying,
one shortly after the other. So think hard before taking on two pups of similar
ages, especially if they are litter-mates.

'Rug investigates a watering can', watercolour by David
Pick a dog that suits your personality and experience
Dogs vary a lot in terms of temperament, as do people, so you need to pick
a pup or a dog that suits you. A very pushy dog can end up being
a pain, if you just want a quiet life, but is fine for someone who likes a
very lively dog and is prepared to put a lot of effort into training. Generally,
pushy dogs are also better suited to people with some experience.
This applies to pushy pups too, the ones that rush forward and
say Me, me!, hog their siblings bones and toys, and struggle
a lot when you handle them. Average dogs are easier for novice
owners, ie dogs and pups who show interest in you, but arent especially
demanding, and who will relax when you start to scratch behind their ears.
Anxious and timid dogs and pups, who hang back or run away when you approach,
will take a lot of patience, and arent suitable for homes where theres
a lot of activity, especially those where there are children.
Try to predict health problems
Dogs and pups with runny eyes or discharge from their ears, or signs of squittiness
are best avoided. There are dogs with disabilities and chronic health problems
which need homes, however, especially in rescue centres. Talk to the staff
there about what you can expect. Sometimes dogs look dreadful because they
have suffered from a flea allergy, or other skin problems, which can clear
up rapidly. Dogs can also live happily with one eye or three legs! There are
also health problems associated with certain breeds, as will be explained.
Dogs and bitches, and decisions on neutering
The choice of gender carries with it decisions about whether or not to neuter,
or take on a dog that is already neutered. Gender is important if you already
have another dog. Generally, bitches tend not to fight as much as intact males,
whether or not the bitch is spayed. However, when bitches do fight each other,
it tends to be a serious fight, especially when they live together, whereas
fights between dogs can be serious, but are more likely just to involve a
lot of noise, with no harm done. Properly socialised dogs are also generally
less likely to fight dogs of the opposite sex. This means that if you already
have a dog, its better to get one of the opposite sex. A dog-dog combination
is the next best bet, and a bitch-bitch combination is the least recommended,
especially among breeds more prone to dog-aggression. Socialisation and careful
introductions can help minimise dog-dog aggression, but its best not
to ask for problems.
In terms of training, bitches may seem calmer, and take better to obedience
classes, but some owners prefer intact males for certain specialised activities
like competitive retrieving - even though an intact male will tend to be distracted
by the smell of a bitch in season (1).
Many people see intact males as more aggressive, but this is not necessarily
the case. Its true that hospital reports for dog bites do record intact
males as the worst offenders, but this may reflect a lower level of supervision
for intact males. Hospital reports only deal with a small proportion of dog
bites, so these reports can be a misleading source of information. Victims
are more likely to end up in hospital if they are children, or are people
bitten by a strange dog, because people dont want to take risks with
children, and there is more worry that strange dogs may carry diseases. Children
are also more likely to be bitten on the face, because they are the same height
as many dogs, and victims are more likely to be seen by a hospital if they
are bitten on the face than on the hands or feet. A dog allowed to bite strangers
or children is often simply not supervised enough. Children and strangers
of course need protection from loose dogs, and dogs also need protection from
children and strangers who may tease them, for example, or kick them. Intact
males are more likely, on average, to be owned by people who dont supervise
their dogs properly. Only around a tenth of bite cases end up in hospital,
and dogs are actually more likely to bite someone they know, and adults than
strangers and children, and more likely to bite limbs than heads (2).
People are more likely to deal with bite wounds themselves if they are bitten
by their own dogs, and these bite wounds may never appear in any statistics.
Neutered males were actually more likely to bite than intact males, or neutered
and intact bitches, according to one survey, which also found spayed bitches
more likely to bite than entire males, and intact females least likely to
bite (2). Some males may have been neutered because they
were aggressive, making this group of neutered dogs seem more aggressive on
average than it would otherwise be, so this does not mean that neutering makes
males more likely to bite. There are, in fact, owners who report their male
dogs to be less aggressive after neutering. Some bitches, in contrast, have
been reported as more aggressive after being neutered, and its not realistic
to expect neutering to improve a bitchs behaviour in terms of making
her less aggressive, though moodiness linked to seasons will disappear.
Training (especially bite inhibition) and socialisation are likely to be
far more important than sex and reproductive status as influences on whether
dogs bite. Bitches arent likely to become nasty after spaying, if they
have been properly socialised and trained. Neutering alone isnt likely
to make your male dog civilised overnight. It may help in some cases, but
is not an alternative to training.
Dogs also vary in terms of how their maleness affects them. Some dogs may
be aggressive with other entire males, and regularly become lovesick,
howling and going off their food. Other intact dogs are less affected by their
hormones, so decisions on neutering males to improve behaviour are probably
best looked at in terms of the individual dog.
There is, however, a case for neutering on the grounds of health or population
control, especially for spaying bitches. Spayed bitches live significantly
longer on average, according to British data (3). Neutered
males, in contrast, were recorded as living slightly less on average than
entire males in this sample, but this may be because some males were neutered
because of ill health, making the neutered group seem less healthy than it
would otherwise be. Neutered males are less likely to die of cancer, while
owners of intact males need to check their dogs testicles for lumps,
as the dogs get older. However, neutered males are more likely to die of heart
disease. Spayed bitches are less likely to die of mammary tumours, or pyometra,
though they may suffer other problems such as spay-related incontinence and
dull coats (3). Neutered bitches and dogs can also put
on weight easily, and you need to watch their diet - this includes titbits!
Its possible that neutered dogs benefit from different diets from intact
dogs, such as the inclusion of more oily fish in their diet, but more research
is needed on this. What is clear is that controlling any tendencies towards
obesity is a way of increasing the longevity of neutered dogs.
The view of whether dogs should be neutered varies very much from one country
to another. In Norway, for example, dogs tend not to be neutered, whereas
in the US there is a strong drive to neuter. This partly reflects the greater
unwanted dog problem in the US, where there are more dogs that roam free.
Generally, there is a much stronger case for spaying bitches than for neutering
males, on population control grounds as well as on health grounds. One fertile
bitch and seven fertile dogs produce fewer litters in a year than seven fertile
bitches and one fertile dog. Owners of bitches need to be very careful to
avoid accidents, since bitches in season can be very determined
to go and find a mate. A bitch at the most fertile time of her season is probably
more determined to mate that a dog that smells a fertile bitch.
Owners who plan to leave their dogs unsupervised in gardens should seriously
consider taking on neutered dogs, or neutering their pets, since escapes most
often happen when dogs are left alone in the garden. Dogs are constantly surprising
owners by their ability to escape, by digging under fences, and jumping on
garage roofs! You need a very high fence or wall, which goes underground,
to dog-proof a garden, and even then it is not a good idea to allow a dog
access to the garden all day if no-one is home. You can, however, build a
dog run with a roof and foundations, that gives access to indoors through
a dog door.
Choosing a breed or breed-type
Youll need to think about breed characteristics whether you get a pedigree
dog or a mutt, since even mutts may clearly belong to one of the different
families of dogs, especially if their ancestors were all of the
same type, eg all herding dogs. Mutt puppies can develop in unpredictable
ways, however, especially if there has been a mix of different types of dogs,
such as guard dogs and herding dogs.
Mutts may be healthier than pedigree dogs, but this is not always the case,
since both parents may be vulnerable to the same defects, such as hip trouble,
even if they are from different breeds. You will only get hybrid vigour
if only one parent carries the gene for the condition you want to avoid. Second
crosses, ie the children of crosses, lack this hybrid vigour, even if the
first generation benefited from it.
Some crosses work better than others, then, in terms both of health and of
character, and you can gain insights into this from asking people who deal
with crossbreeds a lot, such as shelter workers and trainers.
Whether you choose a mutt or a pedigree dog, you need to think about the
type of dog that will suit you best, rather than going for a dog that looks
classy or cute. Appearance does count, but over the long term, you are likely
to have a better relationship with a nice-natured dog than a good-looking
one. Youll also come to see your own dog as the best looking in the
training class, even if he only has three legs, or has a common colour combination
like black and tan - black and tan dogs can have very expressive eyebrows!
Any breeder who goes exclusively for looks rather than temperament or health
should be avoided, since the resulting dogs may have serious problems.
Questions that you will need to ask are: how good with kids a breed is likely to be, how excitable it is, how easy to train it is, what the dog is designed to do, how noisy dogs from that breed tend to be, how big the dog is, how much exercise the breed needs, whether a lot of grooming is needed, and what sorts of health problems the breed may have.
Some breeds have a reputation for being good with kids, others less so. In practice, a lot depends on the particular dog and child. Cavalier King Charles spaniels are usually softies, quite small, and easy dogs for children to take on walks, so they are sometimes recommended for children, but they can find noisy, exciteable kids a bit much. Terriers are often described as unsuitable for kids, because terriers can be a bit nippy, but they can be very good companions for sensible children who don´t wind them up. Some dogs are easier for kids to walk than others. If you want to know how good a breed is with kids, talk to people who have both, and see how they get on. This will give you some idea, though there are often enormous differences in temperament within breeds, especially popular breeds like golden retrievers and German shepherds, so check the parents and grandparents as well. A dog´s early experiences also affects how he sees kids. Dogs brought up with children who treat them well tend to like children. Dogs that have been plagued by kids may dislike them, and dogs that have never known kids may be spooked by them, so look beyond breed if you want a dog that gets on with your kids.
Trainability can be seen in two ways, general levels of trainability,
and whether a dog can be trained to do a particular task well. Independent
breeds, such as spitzes, tend to be generally more difficult to train. They
may need a lot of work on motivation. Its not that independent breeds
are necessarily less intelligent than dogs that are more easily trained, you
just need to work harder to motivate them.
Some breeds are also hardwired to do certain things well, like herding
breeds, which are primed to do anything that resembles herding, and retrieving
dogs are of course primed to bring back balls. You can train most dogs to
do most things, but its easier to teach a dog to do something that its
already hardwired to do well, and more difficult to teach a dog to do things
that go against its nature. Recall is difficult to teach for certain hounds,
like beagles, so if you want a dog that comes back when off the leash, avoid
these breeds. Dogs also vary in terms of how forgiving they are
of mistakes made in their training. You can make mistakes with a labrador
retriever, like inadvertantly encouraging bad behaviour, and they tend to
have a less serious effect than if you make mistakes training a German Shepherd,
for example. Novices are usually better off with the more forgiving
breeds and breed mixes.
Many owners see their dogs as having behavioural problems when
the dog is just behaving in a way that the breed is designed to behave. Border
collies are designed to herd, and need to be kept busy with agility and other
activities, or they can suffer and develop quirks. Too many collies end up
in shelters because their owners did not realise this. Dogs bred to chase
and catch prey are best avoided if you live near sheep. Some dogs have been
bred to bark at intruders. People in houses with thin walls need quiet, rather
than barky breeds, so this is something you need to research before you get
the dog and the neighbours complain!
Size is also important if you are in a small home, since dogs can
take up a lot of room. Size matters too, if you are physically small, or not
very strong physically. Large, muscly breeds such as akitas are difficult
to control unless you have physical strength. Children can be knocked over
by large, excitable dogs, and cant easily take them out for walks.
Exercise and grooming involve input from the owner, so if you havent
much energy and/or time to exercise and groom a dog, and just want to relax
with your dog and watch TV, then choose low-maintenance breeds. Long-haired
breeds tend to need grooming more often, though its dogs with very fine
hair that tend to matt easily and need particular attention.
The other major, and related issues are longevity and health. There
are big differences in the average lifespans of different breeds, and some
breeds are prone to serious health problems which may mean shorter average
lifespans. Giant breeds, like Irish wolfhounds, tend not to live long, whereas
whippets have much longer average lifespans (3). Find
out what conditions the breeds you are interested in may be prone to, and
check that any pup you buy has been tested for conditions associated with
the breed, where possible. Some conditions are inherited, and breeds such
as King Charles Cavaliers, which are very inbred, are especially likely to
be plagued by health problems. Other conditions are built into the dog - bulldogs
cant give birth easily, due to their large heads, for example, and their
squashed noses mean they cant breathe easily. In contrast, there are
breeds which are fairly robust - this tends to be the case for the spitz family.
There are some health problems that are more common in certain breeds, but there can also be big differences within breeds, so you need to go further than choosing a 'healthy' breed, and also research a possible pup's line. This means finding out as much as you can about how long the pup's ancestors lived, what if any illnesses they suffered from, and what they died of and when. A good breeder will be keen to talk about their efforts to ensure the line is healthy. If a breeder sounds offended when you ask about health, this is a warning signal! As with temperament, you just need one male with serious problems used as a popular sire, for those problems to appear rapidly in the breed.
Some diseases can be triggered by environmental factors, especially diet (see Dogs and Diet). Choosing a dog from a healthy line is just the start, the dog also needs a healthy lifestyle!
How to find out about breeds
Books of the breed are a starting point for learning about breed characteristics,
but they often gloss over health and behavioural problems associated with
the breed in question. Chris Walkowiczs Choosing a Dog for Dummies
is a very useful up-to-date source of information on breeds (5).
We have also provided short profiles of some of the most popular breeds, together
with breed book descriptions - see the Books on Single Breeds link below.
Try narrowing down your choice to three or four breeds, then carry out a more
in-depth study of them. Training classes are a useful place to observe different
breeds and compare them, and you can talk to the trainer about the different
training needs of breeds. Your local vet may be able to recommend a trainer,
and give you information on health problems associated with breeds. Talk to
owners of these dogs too. You can get in touch with owners through breed clubs
and dog shows. The Kennel Club can provide you with information on breed clubs.
Where to find a dog
Breed characteristics affect the dogs potential, but dogs are also
affected by their early experiences, such as socialisation, training, diet
and exercise. Pups, for example, both inherit and learn behavioural traits
from their parents, so it's a good idea to get to know the parents of any
pup you take on. Dogs are easier to manage if they have a friendly mum, and
have been well-socialised as pups, rather than living in an isolated garage
or outhouse. Pups brought up in a home where they can safely observe a lot
of activity and get used to seeing humans nearby, are more likely to see humans
as friends.
Contact with friendly dogs is important for puppies' development as they
get older, so that they learn how to relate to other dogs. You need to ensure
that the breeder you choose is socialising your pup with other dogs, not just
the mother and littermates, if you are taking on an older pup.
The importance of early experience means that its best to know the
breeder, rather than buying a pup from a newspaper advert. Pups advertised
through newspapers may not have been socialised. They may also have all sorts
of health problems, and come from a mother who has had too many litters too
fast. If you buy pups from dubious sources, you not only take on problems,
but encourage puppy farms which just breed dogs for profit, without concern
about what the pups might be like. Even if you take on such pups for free,
remember that they may never overcome problems arising from poor health and
inadequate early socialisation.
You can check out a mutt in the same way as a pedigree - do the parents have
nice natures? Are there any known health problems in the family? How are the
pups being raised? A mutt pup with healthy parents with placid natures, that
has been well-socialised by being raised in a family kitchen, is likely to
bring you far more pleasure than a puppy-farm pedigree pup. Ironically you
can often find out more about a mutts pedigree than a pedigree dog,
since mutts families are often local, whereas you may need to travel
a long way to meet the family of a pedigree dog. You may also be able to handle
a mutt pup from a very young age, by visiting the litter before the pup is
ready to be taken home. You can take the owner a present of puppy food, or
puppy milk, if the mother is low on milk, and this both helps the owner and
ensures that your pup feeds properly.
Anyone providing you with a dog should be concerned about what happens to
that dog, and is likely to ask you lots of questions, to see if you will be
a good owner. Dont be offended - this is a good sign, whether its
a breeder or a rescue centre asking the questions. Good breeders and rescue
centres will also provide help after you have got the dog home, and will take
the dog back if there are any problems. See what the price covers, if you
pay a lot of money. If it includes health checks, ongoing advice, a commitment
to take the dog back, and responsibility for any inherited defects the pup
may have, the chances are you have a good deal, even if you feel you are paying
a lot. Rescue centres, including those run by breed rescue organisations,
can offer particularly good deals, as well as giving you the chance to help
a dog in need.
Rescue dogs are sometimes seen as problem dogs, but many are
simply homeless because their owners have moved house, fallen ill, died, or
got divorced. These dogs may just have minor behavioural problems because
their owners didn't have the time to train them properly. Rescue centres should
be able to advise you on whether a particular dog will suit you, and what
you'll need to focus on in training. It's in their interests to make sure
that they rehome dogs with the right people and to help you overcome any problems.
They can give you time to get to know any dog you are interested in, and should
provide a follow-up service.
The best way to choose a rescue dog is to sit down and work out what kind
of dog suits you, and then ask the rescue staff which dogs fit the bill, or
at least narrow your choice to three or four dogs, and ask the staff whether
they think the dogs in the shortlist will suit you. They have had more time
to assess the dogs, and have the experience to work out what makes for successful
placements. Let the whole family, including any dogs you may already own,
meet any dogs you are interested in, because its important that all
members of the household can get on with the new arrival.
Sources of information on good breeders and rescue centres include vets,
trainers, dog shows, and breed clubs, whereas newspaper and magazine adverts
should be avoided.
Maybe later
Dogs involve commitment, and maybe you're not yet ready for a dog, but you
still enjoy being with them. There is no need to become a dog owner. You may
have neighbours who would welcome help with their dogs when they are at work
or on holiday. Elderly people often dote on their dogs, and provide them with
company, but no longer have the mobility to take them out. Your local rescue
centre may need volunteers. There are many ways of enjoying the company of
dogs without actually owning one.
Thanks to Diana Attwood, Amy Dahl, Helle Haugenes, and Nancy Holmes for information
and ideas on choosing dogs. The views presented in this article do not necessarily
reflect their views.
1) Neutered males tend not to put on as much muscle,
or learn as rapidly as intact males, or bitches, spayed or unspayed, according
to breeder, retriever trainer and author, Amy Dahl (private communication).
2) Data on 3,226 dogs in Canada were collected for
this study by N.C.Guy et al Demographic and aggressive characteristics
of dogs in a general veterinary caseload Applied Animal Behaviour
Science (2001) 74, pp 15-28. The questionnaire was directed at all dogs
at 20 vets, rather than just dogs that had bitten humans, which were found
to account for 15.6% of the total, a far higher figure than would be apparent
from hospital reports.
3) This study is Longevity of British breeds
of dog and its relationships with sex, size, cardiovascular variables
and disease by A.R. Michell, in Veterinary Record (1999) 145, pp
625-629. This is an interesting study with a lot of information on breed
and health issues. The sample size was 3,126 dogs, 1,277 of which were
intact males, 291 neutered males, 833 intact females, and 720 neutered
females. The average (mean) age of death from all causes was 12 years
for spayed bitches, 10 years 11 months for intact males, 10 years 10 months
for intact females, and 10 years 8 months for neutered males. Bedlington
terriers, miniature dachshunds, and miniature and toy poodles were among
the long-lived breeds.
4) There is some information on breeds and behaviour
in Determination of behavioural traits of pure-bred dogs using factor
analysis and cluster analysis: a comparison of studies in the USA and
UK by J.W.S. Bradshaw and D. Goodwin, in Research in Veterinary
Science (1998) 66, pp73-76. Breed characteristics can change over time,
and some breeds are perceived differently in the US and UK, as this study
5) James Serpells The
Domestic Dog has articles on breed, gender and the environment,
and how they may affect behaviour. Daniel Tortoras The Right
Dog for You is also discussed in this book. Tortoras book is
sometimes recommended for people choosing dogs, but is a little outdated,
while Chris Walkowiczs book is more
up to date. Serpell also notes that pet store pups are more likely to have
problems than other categories, including shelter dogs (pp91 - 92).
See Books on Animals for reviews of these and other dog books.
of page
See also:
Dogs: Breed profiles and breed books
Training Classes
You and Your Dog
Basic Training
Behavioural Problems
Designing a Dog Garden
Dogs and Diet
Multi-dog households: Enjoying life with more than one dog