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Horses, Ponies and Donkeys
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The source is also given in case you want to track down the original article.
See also:
Ponies and Donkeys: Health, disease and physiology
of Horse books, including books on health and behaviour

See for stamps depicting horses, cattle, and other animals.

Leopard horses lived in the Stone Age
Black spotted horses may have lived in Stone Age
source: New Scientist vol 212, no 2838, November 12 2011 p19
Black spotted horses may have lived in the Stone Age, rather than being a recent variant. They are depicted in murals in caves at Peche-Merle, France. Arne Ludwig from Germany's Leibniz University, Berlin, found pigment genes producing spotted patterns in horses when he analysed ancient European horse DNA.
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Worth a bet
Genetic basis of speed in racehorses
source: Anthony King
New Scientist vol 210 no 2818, June 25 2011 starts p40, 2 pages long
Horse genetic studies are making new progress, though thoroughbreds have long been selected for strength and speed. Hill's test examines the myostatin gene, that curtails muscle development. Mutations preventing the gene functioning can lead to muscly animals. Emmeline Hill's team at Dublin's University College found two basis in myostatin genes, thymin (T) and cytostine (C), giving three possible combinations, T/T, C/T, and C/C, from their two copies of the gene. T/T horses tend to perfom better in long races, and C/C horses are better sprinters. Training and management are also important, but new research is likely to help breeders produce successful horses.
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Can an introduced species ever be considered native?
Debate on the protection of American wild horses
source: Bob Holmes
New Scientist vol 210 no 2817, June 18 2011 p14
Wild horses are found in the western states of the USA. Animal rights groups claim that the horses should not be removed to make space for cattle farming. The federal court case could affect treatment of these horses on federal lands. Horses evolved in North America, but became extinct there aound 10,000 years ago. Wild horses found in the US today descended from European domesticated horses. Modern horses appear to be longer legged and taller than their ancestors, judging by cave paintings. Domestication tends to reduce brain size, though the reduction is smaller in horses, which also develop structured social systems and thrive in a feral state. They may merit protection whether or not they are defined as native.
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Mighty mules are no dumb donkeys
Hybrid vigour gives mules greater intelligence
source: New Scientist vol 199 no 2667, 2 August 2008 p19
Mules have proved more successful than donkeys and horses at learning which of two buckets to select to obtain food. Mules learnt more symbol pairs and did better in terms of consistency, according to University of Sussex's Leanne Proops. She argues that their better cognitive skills are the result of hybrid vigour, which means that offspring may be fitter than either parent.
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Earliest evidence of humans on horses
New evidence dates domestication of horses to as early as 3500 BC
source:New Scientist 14 March 2009 vol 201 no 2699 p14
New evidence of early horse domestication has been found by Alan Outram and his team from the University of Essex, England. The team has discovered horse bones in four settlements of the Botai people in Kazakhstan. The bones have been dated to 3500 BC, 1000 years earlier than the previous earliest findings. Studies of the horses' teeth show wear of a kind indicating usage of bridles and bits. The team has also discovered equine milk fat traces on Botai pottery containers, which means that the Botai probably milked mares.
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Man's best friend
History and characteristics of Icelandic horses
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding December 2003
starts p36, 2 pages long
Icelandic horses were once the main mode of transport, and they are now popular
for riding and trekking tours. They are typically between 12.2 and 13.2 hands
high, stocky and deep-chested. Any colour is acceptable, except for appaloosa.
Their manes and tails are bushy and long, and they have double coats in winter.
An unusual characteristic of Icelandic horses is that they can do five gaits,
two more than the usual walking, trotting and cantering. The first extra gait
is the tolt, with four paces, also called a running walk. The order that the
legs move in the tolt is like a walk, but the back legs move forwards more,
and the forelages are lifted high. The tolt is a smooth gait, which is comfortable
for riders. The second extra gait is the skeid, with two beats, similar to
a trot, but the legs at one side are moved together, unlike a trot, where
the legs move as diagonals. The best Icelandic horses are able to do these
five gaits, though not all individuals of this breed can perform them.
The origin of these horses in Iceland is believed to be through Viking imports,
and they may have previously been descended from Celtic ponies, so be related
to Exmoors and Shetland ponies, or they may have come from Scandinavia. There
was a ban on imports of new horses from 982 AD, and horses leaving Iceland
could not go back. This ban holds true for modern times, and there is also
strict control of the import of used harness and tack. The result is an almost
disease-free Icelandic breed. The demanding environment means that these are
versatile and strong horses. They also lack natural predators, so are less
likely to flee from living creatures, and are not as spooky as most horses,
The hazards they face are rock slides, quicksand, steep tracks, and other
environmental hazards, and they tend to assess potential dangers, instead
of fleeing.
Other characteristic of the breed include a tendency to anaemia, which does
not appear to cause them harm. They also have a higher level of red muscle
fibre, and higher fat levels in their muscle fibre, and are reportedly more
efficient at digesting cellulose. These characteristics may account for their
great stamina.
There are some 80,000 Icelandic horses, many in free-ranging herds. Foals
are usually left with their natal herd up to the age of four. This practice,
and the wide ranges of the herds, are said to create fit, spirited, and sure-footed
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Understand your horse
The importance of understanding equine instincts and horses'
natural lifestyles
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding November 2003
starts p35, 2 pages long
Horses are still affected by instincts, despite having been domesticated
for a long time. Feral, free-ranging herds have hierarchies, with one stallion
protecting mares and offspring, while colts have to leave the herd when they
are seen by the stallion as a threat, usually when they are one or two-years-old.
Feral horses may travel some 50 miles daily, and graze for some 15 hours.
They check each other for signals of threats, and their response to apparent
threats is usually to flee.
The lifestyle of feral horses is very different to that of many domesticated
horses, which have less space, are often in stables for long periods, and
may be given concentrated feeds. Horses kept isolated in stables can get bored,
and may develop a range of associated habits, like weaving and crib sucking.
Owners can help recreate a more natural lifestyle by providing hay, and feeding
horses the same amount of feed, but split so that the horse is fed three or
four times daily. A living area that allows social contact between horses
also helps, for example, a large barn that opens out onto an area where the
horses can graze. There should also be hedges and shrubs to let horses enjoy
variety when they forage.
Humans tend to vocalise to communicate, while body language is more important
for horses. Posture, and the position of ears convey messages. Horses may
raise their ears forward when they are interested in what they are looking
at, or hold their ears back when they dislike something. Fear or excitement
are linked to horses showing their eye whites. Muzzles are also used when
horses communicate with each other.
Horses can also recognise humans from their manner, body outline, and smell.
It helps to be reassuring, calm, and firm with horses, if we want to get on
well with them. They also need to live as naturally as possible, and it's
important to remember the strength of a horse's natural instincts.
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Genetic test identifies fastest racehorses
UK researchers foresee DNA test to identify potentially fast
source: Independent December 27 2002 p4
The Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, Suffolk, England, foresees a test which
should be able to identify racehorses which have potential to perform well
as sprinters, or as long-distance runners, and separate them from horses which
lack any potential as racing animals. The trust has already discovered the
location of a gene involved in horses inheriting a grey coat.
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Riding and road safety
Road safety for horse riders
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding August 2002
starts p58, 2 pages long
UK roads have become more dangerous enviroments for horse riders, with more
traffic that goes faster than 20 years ago. On average, eight accidents occur
daily involving riders, cars and horses.
The first rule of safety is to be seen, with riders using fluorescent caps
and waistcoats, and horses having fluorescent tail guards, leg bands and nose
The Highway Code and BHS manual on road safety for riders are important sources
of help. They advise riders to keep left, and use single file at bends and
on narrow roads. Riders should keep left even when about to turn right, rather
than standing in the centre of a road, where a horse could panic with traffic
on each side. The road can be crossed when it is safe.
It's important to check it is safe before signaling and turning. Hold your
arm straight for some three seconds on the side you wish to turn.
Riders may ask motorists to go more slowly, espcially if they fear their
horse is unsettled. The signal involves slowly moving an outstretched arm
up and down while looking at the motorist. Riders can also use their palms
to face motorists to ask them to stop. Smiles and nods of thanks help riders
get on with motorists.
It's essential to have enough experience to cope with traffic, or to ride
with someone who has this experience. Nervous horses are often calmer if they
walk with calm horses. It's best to choose quieter roads at quieter times,
and ride in daylight when there is good visibility, using fluorescent equipment
even in daylight. Safety hats and stirrups of the right size are also important,
and riders should be insured, with third party legal liability.
Sometimes riders encounter obstacles that can frighten horses, like people
using machinery. They have to assess whether retreat and an alternative route
is the best option, or whether the machine operator can be persuaded to stop
for a while, with a pleading glance. An object in a hedge on the left can
be approached turning the horse's head to the right, while using the right
leg to ensure he stays at the road side and doesn't swing his quarters out.
Riding puroposefully past the object should then be possible. Horses also
react better to traffic behind them if they see it first with their right
eyes, since a glimpse with a left eye may lead a horse to think the car is
approaching on his inside, which may lead him to go into the centre of the
Motorists should always slow when they see horses, and give them plenty of
room, being especially considerate of young riders.
Riders wanting to learn about road safety can get help from the British Horse
Society, which runs training programmes and tests.
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Schooling your horse
Advice on horse home-schooling sessions
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding July 2002
starts p78, 2 pages long
Riders with some experience can benefit from home-schooling their horses
and ponies. This helps develop skills in both riders and horses. Riders benefit
from a helper who can tell them if they are sitting properly. Sitting properly
helps riders to use their hands well. The seat, reins, and the rider's legs
and voice can be used as signals to communicate with the horse. Even the rider's
thoughts are important as they involve subconscious preparation for movement.
Terms used in schooling include 'impulsion', or the willingness of a horse
to obey commands, and 'transitions', or pace changes, such as from walking
to trotting.
It is a good idea to read widely about schooling. Novice riders can also
learn a great deal from riding a horse that has been well-schooled. This helps
riders to develop a feel for what they should be striving for.
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The pits for ponies
History of pit ponies
source: Justine Hankins
Guardian Weekend June 29 2002 p97
Horses were first used in underground mines during the 1700s, and were used
throughout the 19th century. Numbers dropped in the 20th century after a peak
of 70,000 ponies in 1913. There were 21,000 pit ponies in 1947, when the National
Coal Board was established, and only 55 pit ponies by 1984. They ceased to
be used in 1999, with the retirement of two ponies from a mine near Pontypool
in Wales. John Bright is a writer who collected stories for his book 'Pit
Ponies', which came out in 1986. Miners believed that ponies could sense danger
before humans could, and this is one reason for the strong affection felt
by miners for their equine companions. Both miners and ponies had hard lives.
Many ponies lived undergound all year, and only saw the sunshine for a two-week
annual holiday. Many miners were pleased to see ponies have a better life,
when they were no longer used in the mines, but very much missed their former
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Unscrupulous dealers send British ponies to their deaths
in Dublin
Concern about export of wild ponies from UK to Dublin
source: Ed O'Loughlin
Indpendent June 10 2002 p8
Irish animal protection authorities are concerned that wild ponies are imported
from the UK and sold cheaply to Dublin youths, often ending up neglected.
The Dublin Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says that these
ponies are sent through Northern Ireland in order to avoid vet checks at ports.
Many animals are not well enough to travel. Most Shetland horses suffer from
a flu'-like condition called strangles, which can be transmitted to bloodstock.
Ponies may go without food and water for over eight hours, in contravention
of EU regulations. Shetland and New Forest ponies bought for as little as
80 pence can sell for 100 pounds sterling in Ireland. Dublin youths may buy
the ponies because they are cheap, and not be able to give them grazing or
veterinary attention. The ponies are left to graze around council estates,
on waste land. Some 450 ponies, horses and donkeys from greater Dublin end
up in the pound every year. Young owners may be unable to feed their horses,
which may die. The pound usually finds homes for neglected ponies that they
take in. Dealers specifically seek to sell to children, who buy ponies too
small to ride, because they cannot afford a bigger animal.
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Horse play and a sense of occasion
Appleby horse fair
source: Helen Carter
Guardian June 8 2002 p9
Appleby horse fair is held every year at Appleby, Cumbria, England, where
horses are washed in the river Eden. As many as 10,000 travellers may come
to the fair, with the same number of tourists. Piebalds are especially popular,
as are half-bred trotters, and speed horses. Horse races are held at the foot
of a hill for sellers to show what their horses can do. James II first allowed
the fair in 1685. Some local people hate the discomfort and smell of hosting
it. Others see it as an important social meeting place. The 2001 fair had
to be cancelled, due to fears about foot and mouth disease, so more horses
will arrive to be sold than usual in 2002.
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Equine welfare guidelines
New guidelines for equine welfare
source: Veterinary Record vol 150 no 19, May 11 2002 p588
Britain's Agricultural Development and Advisory Service (ADAS) has developed
the 'Equine industry welfare guidelines compendium', a voluntary code for
equine welfare, covering ponies, horses and donkeys. This 41-page code of
practice aims of provide guidelines for best management practices. Everyone
who supervises horses needs to be able to spot signs that a horse is ill or
distressed, be able to provide equine first aid, and be able to get hold of
a vet to deal with serious problems, the guidelines stress. Transport and
housing are covered as well as health, and relevant laws are mentioned.
Almost 200 organizations cooperated to produce the guidelines, and the Home
of Rest for Horses provided a lot of the funding. The guidelines are a voluntary
code of practice, but may be used for dealing with animal welfare cases, when
new laws are brought in. The National Equine Welfare Council will be updating
the guidelines. Owners can obtain them free of charge from a number of sources,
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The Beauty myth
Background to the story of Black Beauty
source: Justine Hankins
Guardian Weekend May 18 2002 p83
Black Beauty was written by Anna Sewell, and has become a classic
childrens book, which is very different from the TV version. The book
has lots of tips about caring for horses, while the horse, Black Beauty, makes
many moral observations. Sewell wanted to show how badly treated working horses
were. She was born to a Quaker family in 1820, and was taught to be kind to
animals as part of Quaker ideals. Quakers were involved in 19th century organizations
that tried to improve animal welfare. Sewell hurt herself badly when she fell
off a horse as a teenager. She finished Black Beauty in 1877,
and died in 1878. The book was taken up by the RSPCA in Britain, and the Humane
Society in the US.
Sewell wrote about overwork, neglect and cruelty to working horses, though
she also understood the problems of poorer people who asked too much of their
horses because of their poverty. Cruelty to horses because of vanity of greed
angered her more.
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Something for everyone
Riding ideas
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding May 2002
starts p64, 2 pages long
Horse and pony lovers can enjoy riding at different levels. The British Horse
Society (BHS) promotes the interests of horses, governs riding instructors,
and is a good source of information on local riding activities, while riders
under 21-years-old can join the Pony Club. The branches of this club offer
instruction and summer camps, as well as tests to allow riders to progress
steadily in understanding caring for ponies and horses, and riding. Riders
can take part in competitions, and endurance riding. Young people can take
part through riding establishments, even if they dont have a pony. There
are also British Riding Clubs linked to the BHS and open to everyone, regardless
of experience and age.
The British Endurance Riding Association offers the chance to travel in the
countryside, with rides of varying difficulty. Riders may like to take part
in shows, or may simply want to use riding trails through forest parks. Horses
should be ridden regularly before being taken out. Their feet need to be checks,
and tack should be cleaned. The horse should be walked after a ride, so he
can cool down, and his girths should be loosened. He also needs a sweatsheet
so he does not catch a chill. Horses need a run when they return home, and
to be allowed to roll and graze.
Horses should travel in a proper horsebox in good condition, and it should
be driven slowly and carefully. Ponies may not want to go into a horsebox,
but there are ways of persuading them, such as tempting them in with a few
nuts in a bucket. Nervous horses should be allowed time to get used to their
horsebox, and food is a good way to ease their worries about going up the
ramp, and then inside the box.
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Wanted - the perfect childs pony
Choosing a pony for a child
source: Wendy Findlay
Country Smallholding April 2002
starts p 62, 2 pages long
The choice of pony for a child is important, since it affects the childs
confidence, and pleasure in riding. It is worth asking on the grapevine through
Pony Club and riding school contacts. A childs pony should have a good
temperament and be kind and calm. Potential candidates should be observed
to see if they can be caught easily and how they behave when being ridden.
The child can try out the pony to see if they make a good match in terms of
temperament. The ponys health and work history should also be checked
out. Some owners will allow potential purchasers to try out a pony for a week.
Ponies can also be obtained on loan from owners whose children have grown
out of them.
Ponies may initially be excitable in a new home, but usually soon settle.
Children can get pleasure from meeting with others, for example through Pony
Clubs. They can also set up equipment to play games in the ponys field,
such as flag races, as well as learning to jump.
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Crisis-hit farm welcomes its gift zorse
Foal born of Shetland pony mother and zebra father
source: Helen Carter
Guardian June 27 2001 p1
A black and tan foal born to a Shetland pony at Eden Ostrich World, Langwathby,
near Penrith, Cumbria, has unusual stripes, since she was fathered by a circus
zebra called Bijou. The zebra had been spending the winter at a wildlife park,
in the same field as Tilly, the pony. The wildlife park gave Tilly to Eden
Ostrich World, unaware that she was pregnant.
Zebras only have 44 chromosomes, whereas horses have 64, so these hybrids
are very unusual. A female zebra and a male horse are unable to breed. The
British Horse Society noted that such hybrids would tend to be like Shetland
ponies, but with big ears, stripes, and bad tempers, so they do not recommend
creating them deliberately.
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Developments in equine nutrition: comparing the beginning
and end of this century
Developments in equine nutrition: comparing the beginning
and end of this century
source: Patricia A. Harris
Journal of Nutrition vol 128 no12, December 1998
starts p2698S, 6 pages long
Major developments in the nutrition of performance horses are examined, using
sources from 1908 and 1927, and comparing them with modern views on equine
nutrition. There was little change in views on equine nutrition from the start
of the 20th century until the 1960s, because horses had become less important
in transport. The rise in their popularity for leisure activities led to a
renewed interest in their nutrition from the 1960s.
There are continuities in feedstuffs used at the start of the 20th century
and today, such as oats, lucerne, barley, maize and linseed, though today
linseed has tended to be replaced by soy. Mung, urad and kulthi were also
fed in 1908, and boiled fish stock was fed to Norwegian stock. Icelandic ponies
today may eat herring, but generally the modern view is that horses and other
herbivores should not eat feed derived from animals.
Modern developments include manufactured commercial feeds, and supplementary
fat, which is fed to many modern performance horses. Salt supplements are
also a new development.
There has been more effort to express the energy content of feedstuff as
time has gone by, but there is still a debate today on the role of fibre in
equine nutrition, and its energy value. More research is also called for on
the needs of horses at different stages of their lives, and with different
work loads, especially the needs of competition horses.
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Life on the edge
Wild horses in Namibia
source: Roman Goergen
New Scientist August 25 2001
starts p30, 4 pages long
There are some 100 wild horses living in the Namib Desert, Namibia, the only
population of wild horses in the whole of Africa. The population had dropped
to 70 horses in 1999, as the result of a drought, and farmer, Piet Swiegers,
sought to help them by taking alfalfa bales for them to eat, until heavy rains
saved them.
The horses have been able to survive extreme conditions, including droughts,
commonplace in the region, as well as temperature fluctuations, from zero
at night to 40 degrees C in the daytime in shady places during the summer.
The winter weather can be very hot one week, followed by freezing rain a week
The origin of the horses is unknown. Some stories tell of German cavalry
officers releasing horses in the 1900s, while others mention horses released
by German railroad builders. The horses drink from a stone trough at a disused
railway station built by German troops at the start of the 20th century.
Telane Greyling is a researcher from Potchefstroom University, South Africa,
and he has studied these horses behaviour. He calculates that they have
been wild for between 80 and 100 years, or 10 generations.
University of Kentuckys Gus Cothran has analysed blood samples from
these horses, and found a factor called q which is unique to the Namib horses.
He also found them to be highly inbred. They show the greatest similarity
with Shagyas, or Arab horses from Poland, and US Arab horses, so the Namib
and European horse breeds appear to have a common ancestry.
The horses appearance is likely to have been affected by the extreme
conditions they live in. They are from 1.4 metres to 1.5 metres high, when
standing, measured at the withers, but their forbears could have been some
10 cm taller. They also have very thick coats in winter, which helps them
to survive the bitter cold of that season. Their behaviour has also changed,
and they seem to drink as much water as horses elsewhere, but drink less frequently,
at intervals of between 30 hours and 72 hours, sometimes waiting as long as
100 hours for a drink. They graze an average of 17 hours daily when grazing
is available, compared with 13 hours for Camargue horses from France. This
could be because grazing is poor in the desert, so they need to graze for
The horses are trapped where they live. They are tied by the water trough,
and hemmed in by mountainous and other natural barriers, as well as fenced
farmland. The Environment Ministry of Namibia feeds them at times of drought,
as do farmers. Critics argue that the horses should be abandoned to die if
they are unable to adapt, but the problems they face are partly man-made,
as land has increasingly been fenced in, which means that the horses cannot
easily escape drought. Gazelle and oryx herds have disappeared from the desert,
and human activity has been a factor in their disappearance. The Namib horses
appear to be healthy and strong, but are still under threat over the longer
term, and their survival depends on human activity.
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Wild mustangs days of freedom are numbered
US government plans to reduce numbers of mustangs
Source: Andrew Buncombe
Independent June 16 2001 p19
The US government plans to reduce numbers of mustangs, found in 10 states
in the US West. The government argues that there is not enough land for the
horses, so some need to be removed. The government has approved spending of
some 23 million pounds sterling (30 million US dollars) for removing mustangs
in 2001. The Bureau of Land Management, an agency under the federal government,
aims to cut the number of mustangs by half. There were an estimated two million
mustangs in the US in 1900, and this has dropped to under 50,000.
Wild Horse Spirit is a campaign group opposing the Bureau, as is the American
Horse Defence Fund. Critics, such as these groups, argue that cattle ranchers
are putting pressure on the government. Cattle farmers pay the government
a few dollars per head to cattle to graze on public lands, where mustangs
also live. Cattle farmers argue that they need the grazing, and horses present
too much competition. However, environmentalists argue that cattle have more
impact than mustangs on the ecology of the ranges.
The mustangs have descended from different sources, such as horses let loose
by 16th century conquistadors, and those released by the US Cavalry and farmers.
Horses may have existed in American long before the 16th century, but had
disappeared by the end of the Ice Age. Fans of the mustang see them as part
of US history.
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Ponies can be bought for as little as one pound sterling
Overbreeding of ponies in Britain leads to unwanted animals
source: Robert Mendick
Independent on Sunday July 30 2000 p7
There has been a twofold increase in the numbers of unwanted ponies in Britain
in the two years to 2000, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) which is setting up teams to tackle the problem.
The cause is overbreeding, which has led to a drop in prices paid for ponies,
and an increase in ponies bought for dog meat, or exported illegally to mainland
Europe for human consumption. The problems is especially serious in parts
of Wales, such as Gelligaer, a Rhonda Valley town, Swansea, and Wrexham, and
the RPSCA is initially focusing on these three areas. There are also problems
with New Forest ponies, and in major British cities, such as London. The British
Horse Society is also concerned, and is discussing a national scheme for registering
ownership, but bureaucratic and enforcement difficulties mean it is not likely
to be compulsory. Some ponies rescued from auction to save them being slaughtered
end up living in poor conditions and have to be killed anyhow.
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Suffolk Punch
Characteristics of Suffolk Punch horses
source: Richard Lutwyche
Country Smallholding May 1999
starts p61, 2 pages long
Suffolk Punches are the rarest British breed of horse, and only 70 breeding mares remain in Britain. They are chestnut, and may have white facial markings. Mares are 16.22 hh, with stallions at 17hh. All Suffolk Punches are descended from one stallion foaled in 1768. They have short legs and strong necks and are work horses geared to ploughing heavy soils. Some are kept for show, and horse-drawn transport, and a few are also used on farms, mainly geldings.
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Prison farm closure raises fears for rare Suffolk horse
Suffolk Punch stud farm run by prisoners may be closed
source: Anna Whitney
Independent February 19 2001 p10
A Suffolk Punch stud farm run by prisoners could be closed, as part of a review of the Prison Service. The Hollesley Bay Prison, Suffolk, England, runs a farm with 22 pure-bred Suffolk Punches, and eight of the mares are pregnant. The breed is very rare, and there are only 237 Suffolk Punches registered. Vice-chairman of the Suffolk Horse Society, Martin Goymour, is concerned about the impact of the closure of the stud, which could lead to a loss of expertise. Keeping Suffolk Punches involves skill, since the stallions can be dangerous. Funding from the National Lottery has been refused. Suffolk local government officials argue that they need funding from regional protection schemes or the lottery if they are to take over the stud and keep it going as a visitor attraction.
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The Dartmoor Pony
Breed characteristics of Dartmoor ponies
source: Richard Lutwyche
Country Smallholding July 1999
starts p31, 2 pages long
Dartmoor ponies exist as a specific breed, and there are also ponies on Dartmoor which may be mongrels. There are claims that the breed was mentioned in 1012 in a Saxon bishop's will. They were used as pack animals for miners, farmers and hunters. Their strength means that they can be used as ponies for children for longer periods as the children grow up, and do not have to be replaced as frequently as less sturdy breeds. Dartmoors can be roan, grey, brown, black or bay, but not piebald or skewbald, and too much white is frowned on.
Shetland stallions were brought onto Dartmoor during the 19th century, by moormen who wanted to use the offspring as pit ponies. The Dartmoor Pony Society sought to exclude mongrels from the breed's Stud Book. The Moorland Scheme was set up by MAFF and the National Park Authority after concern over indiscrimate breeding during the 1980s. The scheme inspects mares, branding and recording those of an authentic Dartmoor type. Fenced areas called Newtakes have also been set up with pedigree stallions, for the ponies to breed.
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A horse is more than a hobby
Fate of older horses in Britain
source: Duff Hart-Davis
Independent, Weekend Review December 9 2000 p13
The number of horses in Britain appears to be growing, according to a survey in 1998, which showed 965,000, compared to 565,000 in 1996. Most horses are kept by private owners, who often do not know what to do when their horses can no longer be ridden. The British Horse Society advises owners to put a horse down if they are unable to afford its keep. Many owners abandon their horses in another owner's field, or give their horse to a sanctuary, such as Redwings in Norfolk, England. There are 1,000 donkeys, horses and ponies at Redwings, which turns away many horses. Horses can live to be 30-years-old, though on average they live between 20 and 25 years. Redwings Horse Sanctuary is at 01603 737432, or
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Europe puts UK's ponies on the plate
British moorland ponies sold to be eaten in Belgium and France
source: Robert Mendick
Independent on Sunday December 10 2000 p10
The numbers of British moorland ponies sold to be eaten in France and Belgium are increasing as demand rises, due to concern about BSE in those countries. Trichinosis can, however, be caught by humans from infected horsemeat. Ponies may be bought at auction in Britain for one pound sterling, and may receive cruel treatment before slaughter. There is a ban on exports of live horses from Britain, so only carcasses are exported. Meanwhile, the European Commision wants to harmonise horse transport rules, which could mean that British ponies and horses could be exported live to mainland Europe. There may also be a toughening of horse transport regulations elsewhere in Europe. The price of ponies in south Wales and the New Forest has dropped dramatically due to overbreeding.
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Horses sold for petfood as owners duped
Con men pretend to buy horses as companions and sell them for petfood
source: Anthony Browne
Observer January 28 2001 p7
Four arrests have been made in Britain in connection with trade in older horses sold for petfood. Conmen have been buying these horses claiming that they are to be used as companions for other horses that are lonely. Owners hand over their horses, hoping to secure their retirement, but if the owners want to see their old pets again, they find that the horses have disappeared. Owners may be paid a small sum, in which case they lose their legal rights, but owners who just give away their horses could take legal action. There are also cases of lame horses being dosed with strong painkillers in order to sell them as sound.
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Pasture perfect
Maintaining pasture for horses
source: Horse and Rider March 2001
starts p92, 2 pages long
Horses can eat some 100 pounds of grass a day, and the grass does not always grow fast enough, so winter rations are needed in the colder months when grass growth is slow. Good grass becomes more nutritious and rich toward April, by which time it achieves an energy content equivalent to competition feed of medium energy levels. There is a risk of laminitis on pastures that are too rich, so restrict grazing for horses which tend to be afflicted. Late frosts can affect grass sugar levels, and at-risk horses should not be put out when days are bright and frosty. Attention should also be paid to gates and fencing, and harrowing can be used to kill worms, break droppings up, and spread fertiliser. Rolling should be carried out a week later than harrowing. Growth can be encouraged by cutting grass, which should be done before grass reaches more than 15 cm high, so it does not seed.
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Dealing with spookiness
Ways that riders can tackle spookiness in their mounts
source: Sara-Jane Lanning
Horse and Rider March 2001
starts p42, 4 pages long
Riders can try to assess why their horses spook, in order to tackle the problem. Possible causes include pain from tack that doesn't fit properly, lack of concentration, diet, picking up nervousness from a nervous rider, and a frightening environment, such as heavy traffic close by. Riders should stay calm and look away from the feared object, bending the horse away at the same time. They can also get the horse used to objects he might be fearful of. He should be taken to different environments to get used to them, and made to focus on his rider. Hacking with a calmer horse can also help to settle more nervous horses.
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