
Blackwell's Five-minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant

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The Five-minute Veterinary Consults offer easy and fast access to veterinary information. The volume for cats and dogs has become a classic. Here, the same approach is used for ruminants, including goats, sheep, cattle, and even deer and camels. This is a quick reference guide written for Americans. It won't tell you all you need to know about UK rules and regulations, nor does it go into great depth on complex subjects like internal medicine. However, if what you want is a broad overview of ruminant veterinary medicine, this book is invaluable. It is especially useful for people who want to make a quick diagnosis as to what might be ailing their goats, sheep, or other ruminants, and also offers advice on preventing problems through good husbandry. It is also useful for new vet graduates, veterinary nurses, and all animal care professionals who deal with ruminants, as well as students of those subjects. It is quite expensive, but offers good value in terms of the information it provides, and the time you can save in accessing the information you need. If you are responsible for ruminants, this book is also good value in terms of vet bills you can save by allowing you to take informed decisions.