
Travels With Boogie: 500 Mile Walkies and Boogie Up the River in One Volume [Paperback]


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Mark Wallington lived in London, England, when he decided to go on a trek round the south west of England, taking a friend's dog, Boogie, with him. The result was 'Five Hundred Mile Walkies', one of the two books in this edition, the other being 'Boogie Up the River'. Anyone who likes Bill Bryson and dogs is likely to enjoy this book, which is very funny. It's also useful for anyone thinking of undertaking similar adventures - Mark Wallington gives a hilarious account of the privations of his first nights, when he hadn't quite come to grips with camping skills. Some chapters are best read in the comfort of a centrally heated home.

Boogie obviously has his companion well-trained, he is fed first, and gets to fart in the tent at night. Gwen Bailey would not approve! By the time we get to the second book, Boogie is owned by the author, who is unable to find a friend or kennel to look after him while he travels up the Thames, such is the dog's reputation. So Boogie embarks on another adventure. Both adults and children will enjoy Boogie's adventures.