
The Complete Guide to Rat Training (Complete Care Made Easy)


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A lot has been discovered about how rats learn, and what they are capable of, because they have been used in laboratory experiments for such a long time. This knowledge is very useful for owners of pet rats, who want to give their pets interesting things to do. Novice owners may find they are better off reading Bucsis' 'Training Your Pet Rat' first, to get the hang of the basics, such as building trust. However, this book can take you much further in finding out what your rat can do. One great advantage of Debbie Ducommun's book is that it is based on extensive scietific research, though it is clearly written so you don't have to be a biologist to understand it. There are lots of anecdotes, which bring the book to life. Debbie Ducommun is also aware that rats each have their individual quirks and characters, as do their owners, so you can pick and choose what suits you and your rat. She gives help with the basics, like getting your rat to come when you call, and she gives plenty of suggestions for activities and equipment that you can buy or make at home.