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Latest book reviews
The Labradoodle Handbook
The Cockapoo Handbook: The Essential Guide For New and Prospective Cockapoo Owners
Feline Nutrition: Nutrition for the Optimum Health and Longevity of your Cat
Burmese Cats, The Pet Owner's Guide to Burmese Cats and Kittens
Puppy training for kids
Care and behaviour of birds
Birds: Birdwatching in Your Garden, and Making your Garden Bird-Friendly
Birdwatching in the Wild West of Spain
Poultry: Keeping chickens
The Parrot Family: General care
Latest news and research relating to Birds
Social isolation shortens telomeres in African Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus erithacus).
Environmental Enrichments for a Group of Captive Macaws: Low Interaction Does Not Mean Low Behavioral Changes.
Delayed gratification: A grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) will wait for a better reward
Do hens have friends?
First aid and emergency care for the avian casualty
Shell shock
Calcium overload
Faster, cheaper, sicker
Beak trimming
Birds eye
Incidence and antibiotic resistance of pathogenic Escherichia coli among poultry in Belgium
Soft shells
Pancreatic atrophy in a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Chicken droppings
Incubating Pekin bantam eggs
Birds on Stamps